This video is me going through burma. i flew into yangon, the old capitol, then took a bus to tangoo, then a bus to inlay lake, where there were houses on stilts and people that rowed boats with their legs. from there i went to mandalay, the new capitol. there i taught an english class and then took a boat all day to bagan. bagan had thousands of 12th century temples all over the place. then from there a bus (and let me mention that all of the bus rides are on cramped buses where there is not enough room for my long legs and the roads are dirt and potholed making travel very slow and uncomfortable (most were around 13 hours, one was 17)) then a bus back to the yangon. burma was an amazing country with some of the most friendly people ive met. with very few travelers in the country, so just walking around its like you were a super star with everyone staring.