Friday, March 6, 2009


Its been a wile since ive had fast internet or internet at all for that matter. so this will be a little out dated. after my last post, i left cambodia and headed for laos. jonas and i made our way across thailand to get from the cambodia border to the laos border. from there we went to a town on a river called vieng vieng that is a cross between mtv spring brake and extream tubing. beautiful place and tons of fun. then to the old capitol of lombprabong for some great street food and hanging out on the mekong. then we went to a small town on a

small river for some more hammock time and fishing. then for a 2 day boat trip up the mekong river to thailand.

1 comment:

china hotel said...

Nice trip, Look at the three kids, they reminded me my childhood, when I was child I used to swim the river near my house too, I was not afraid of the water like the kids,I had a wonderful memory about my childhood.I think you had a great trip acrossing the river with boat. I love to travel like you crossing the river.Thanks for shaing us.